... have hit the big time. Yes, Campaign has finally devoted a double page spread to our fine green antics. Ok, so they chose their agencies at random, but it seems like there's something underway pretty much everywhere. So here are some key learnings!
- St Luke's should be applauded for their 2004 carbon neutral ad (for that eco-angel BT, of course).
- A green policy is a good "new business accessory". Awesome phrase.
Beattie McGuinness Bungay comment on the ethical standpoints taken by Gen Y recruits. Apparently no-one likes a young whippersnapper telling them they stink of CO2. Euro RSCG has gone carb-neutral in a very dull but effective way. McSaatchi are still trying to think of something interesting to do whilst implementing the "quick wins". Thankfully ,a couple of people are being a bit more interesting: BBh have banned bottled water, and leave a green flag on equipment found unnecessarily turned on; Engine's "Our Little Bit" strategy involves recycled loo roll, and a lot of stickers. My personal fave, though, is Archibald Ingall Stretton, with their staff bicycles and video conferencing.
Wish they'd got a photo of Ketchum's wormery tho...
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